Jason Caton

Jason Caton

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This website was designed to be viewed via computer, it may have low quality visuals on mobile devices.

Phone: (585) 698-4727

follow me on snapchat: jjcaton123 or add me on instagram: jason_c4ton

This website is in dark mode, there is no way to change it, I do not care what you say, dark mode is far superior from light mode.

People get confused at why I made this website:

I wanted one, so I made one.

Jason Picture not loading...

Jason Caton

CEO & Founder, thecaton.org

#1 cool guy

I wonder whats at the bottom of this textbox?

🥚 egg.
Shoutout to some cool people:
  • Sofy King
  • Kyle Soher
  • Landin Ruder
  • Alanha Popalowske NOT YOU!
  • M&M's Blodgit
  • Hayley Heins
  • Danielle Around
  • Noha Riccione
  • Ethan Hake
  • Wyattt Mortorman
  • Haileys dog: Bently
  • Jewlia Berite

  • Shoutout to some uncool people:
  • Alanha Popalowske

  • My Logo! won't load...

    If you want anything featured on my site let me know.

    You can email me at jason@thecaton.org

    Made by Jason Caton